RS gold profit from item lending

Rs gold profit from item lending, read more for more info.

Making money and helping others to get rs gold

You can gain rs gold by item lending to other players. This kind of method not only you gain runescape gold but helps you prevent from scammers. For you to start lending items to other players, they need to turn on the “Accept Aid”. Next either you or the other player needs to start the trade. Other than the “offer” option on the trading window, there will be a “Lending” option.  Simply choose the item you want to lend and choose how long you will lend that item for the other player. You can either lend the item for free or by offering some rs gold.

item lending rs gold

Item lending can be canceled by either when the time given is expired or when either the lender or other player logged out. The item can be retrieved via banker’s possession.