Cleaning a dirty Grimy Torstol will result you more Runescape gold.
Start cleaning and start earning more Runescape gold
A Grimy Torstol is a dirty herb that can be clean to in order to use. Once the Torstol is cleaned, it can be used to combine five different extreme potions in order to create an overload potion. It can also use to make Zamorak brew by combining with jangerberries to a torstol potion (unf). You can make Runescape gold simply cleaning the Grimy Torstol.
To effectively make more Runescape gold, stock up some Grimy Torstol by buying them in Grand Exchange. Check the Runescape gold price if it is profitable. Once you buy a lot of Grimy Torstol, start cleaning them by clicking the torstol from your inventory. Once you cleaned them all, you can resell them in playerauctions Grand Exchange and increasing their Runescape gold price in fair amount.