Do you like wine? Or do you want more RS gold? In this guide, we will be farming Wine of Zamorak and sell them for RS gold

Source: wikia
A guide for you to make Rs gold by farming Wine of Zamorak
A typical Wine of Zamorak are made from Grapes of Zamorak which you can grow them using Farming skill. The wine can also be found at the Captured Temple near the south of Goblin Village. If you want to make your own Wine of Zamorak, just get a jug of water and add the Grapes of Zamorak. While the wine cannot be consumed by players, you can use it as an ingredient to make potions such as super ranging potions and Super Zamorak brews. The wine itself is cost a lot of RS gold when sold.
This method requires you to have level 37 magic skill, air runes or air staff and law runes. Head to the north from the middle of Falador and go to the Wilderness wall. Find the Zamorak Temple and proceed to enter. You will see a table at the left side with Wine of Zamorak. Use the tele-grab to get the wine (these will respawn every 30 seconds). If you get the wine by hand, you will be hit by flames of Zamorak that cause a moderate damage and lowering you combat by 5%. Once your inventory is full of wine, you can now proceed to the Grand Exchange and sell it for RS gold.