It takes only a few level of crafting skill you need to make Bow String and sell them at Grand Exchange for RS gold sell

Source: rsorder
Flax Farming and Bow String making for Rs gold
Flax farming is simple and easy and can be found in various places. The flax can be use to create bow string using level 1 Crafting and a spinning wheel. It can also be use to make nets for holding seaweeds. The flax is an important item which can be sold at the Grand Exchange to make RS gold.
Guide to make RS gold
Before we start making RS gold, you need to have level 10 crafting skill and need to be a MEMBER. Go to the south of Camelot castle. There you will see a field of Flax. Pick up a lot of flax until your inventory is full.
Once you inventory is full of flax, go to the house northwest from there. Go inside and head upstairs to the second floor. You will see a spinning wheel. Use that to make bow string with flax. After you’re finished, head to the Grand Exchange and sell the entire bow string for RS gold. Repeat the process until you’re satisfied.