Hunting these little lizards is a great way to get more RS gold and at the same time earn experience for Hunter.

Source: wikia
Hunting these little creature will give you more RS gold
The swamp lizard can be found at the Morytania which is southeast of Canifis, south of the Werewolf Agility Course. In order to catch these little creatures, it will require you to have level 29 Hunter skill, small fishing net and also a rope. The player must set up the trap at the young tree. Once you caught the swamp lizard, it will become a weapon which requires a player to have level 30 attack, level 30 magic, and level 30 ranged. It is also used as ingredients for creating a Swamp titan pouch for Summoning. Catching them can also a good source for RS gold.
To start catching swamp lizards, you can spot 4 young trees that is close together at the Mort Myre Swamp. A level 60 Hunter can set up 4 traps at once using 4 small fishing nets and 4 ropes. Once the collect enough swamp lizard, you can leave another trap and come back later on after you sell the swamp lizard at the Grand Exchange to make more RS gold.