Is Sharing Allowed in OSRS?

Typically, an MMORPG player plays with only one account. It is so because an account in most MMORPG’s can store multiple characters. It is not wise to have multiple accounts with every account only having one character each because it will only require a player to remember more usernames and password which is a total hassle.

What if there are multiple players playing only in one account? Crazy idea but apparently, this occurs in OSRS (Old School Runescape). Is it perfectly legal? Let’s find out


Old School Runescape Accounts


Old School Runescape: Runescape’s Side

Runescape emphasizes that one account should only be played by one player. If one account is shared and played by two or more players, the account would likely be banned. Taking from Runescape’s page as to why they are enforcing this:

“We have this rule as part of our procedures to preserve the integrity of the game and player’s hard earned achievements. The hi-scores are there to measure the achievement of an individual, not a group of players or 3rd party. Also, if disputes occur or friendships breakdown, it can lead to at least one of the parties permanently losing access to the account or having it stripped of wealth and items.”


OSRS Accounts: Players’ Side

Most players who share an account do so for multiple reasons and one of these is to accomplish achievements faster. This is the primary reason why Runescape is not allowing this but comments from players indicate that the rule is somewhat not being practiced. In short, no one or no account is getting banned because of account sharing. Another instance of account sharing being an account owned by a couple. Husband-wiife or boyfriend-girlfriend sharing an account to enjoy Runescape together but keeping all of their achievements in one account. This might be a nice instance but still falls under the rule that accounts shouldn’t be shared.


Account sharing will still happen unless the rule is strictly enforced.