Black dragons are powerful monsters, and, like all different adult dragons, an anti-dragon shield, a dragon fire shield, or an anti-fire potion or perhaps both of them is extremely recommended once fighting them because it will scale back the maximum damage of their breath from about 5000+ to around 500. They’re not as well-liked as the weaker blue dragons and green dragons; however their probability of dropping a lot of in demand draconic visage and the price of black dragonhide makes them worthy to kill. Players should kill a Black dragon throughout the freeing Sir Amik Varze a part of recipe for Disaster. A black dragon slayer task may also be completed by killing baby black dragons, the King Black Dragon or the Queen Black Dragon. If you don’t have enough RS gold to buy necessary items, you may buy gold to some secure market place (although not recommended).
Necessary Items before killing the black dragon
Complete Recipe for Disaster up to the point where you can kill black dragons in Zanaris
Ranged skill: 75 or above
Herblore skill: 84 (super anti-fires)
Ranged equipment, this can be void range, Karil’s, Armadyl, black d’hide, anything like that.
Crystal bow, or similar 2h bows
Inventory: 1 super anti-fire potion, 1 raw chicken, 10-20 sharks
A guide on how to earn RS gold by killing the black dragon
First start at the Zanaris bank, there you will need to double check everything you need. Enter the black dragon lair. Once you’re inside, drink the super anti-fire. Build up your adrenaline for up to 50%. Use the threshold ability “Rapid Fire” to deal great amount of DPS (Damage-per-Second). Don’t click anywhere until the entire attack is completed (it will takes many seconds). Finally slay the black dragon with abilities, and keep your adrenaline above 50%. Grab the black dragon hide – this cost a lot of RS gold (don’t bother with the dragon bones; they may as well be worthless). Also pick up drops that are worth more than 8k, such as rune long swords and dragon daggers. If you need the charms, pick those up as well. Continue killing dragons, eating, drinking super anti-fires until your inventory is full. Bank the necessary items once it’s over. If you have time, you can repeat the process. By one hour you can at least made 1m RS gold using this kind of method.