Making a lot of Headless Arrow is an effective way to make more RS gold in a simple and easy way.

IMG Source: Runescape Official
Creating Headless Arrows to make more RS gold
The Headless Arrows are made from combining the feathers with arrow shafts. This can be created using the Fletching skill. Creating the headless arrows is good opportunity to make more runescape gold especially for low leveled players who is in need on RS gold. While creating the headless arrows this is also a good way to train your Fletching skill.
In order to create headless arrows, you need both feathers and arrow shafts in your inventory. Be sure you have lots of equal amount of feathers and arrow shafts to create large quantity of headless arrows. When you combine both materials, you will be ask how many you want to create; click all (this will make 10 sets of 15 headless arrows). Just repeat the process until you’re satisfied. You can start selling them in Grand Exchange to make more RS gold.