PvP Problems in Old School Runescape

More often than not, players who don’t prefer PvE in an MMORPG only play PvP. But what if the PvP aspect of the game also has flaws?

Old School Runescape Gold: Analysis

GhostCalib3r posted in Reddit on how the PvP in OSRS has some issues.

All Credit to /u/Frozzie

If you want more examples/information on this issue, check out my previous post, which includes some videos for reference.

Two months ago I submitted a similar post. It received a decent amount of attention, but zero acknowledgement from the OSRS team.

PvP in OSRS, as of this moment, is worse than private servers.

There are two main issues involved. Addressing these two issues will vastly improve the PvP community’s experience, as it removes a layer of luck from PKing. I’m aware not every player here enjoys/participates in PvP, so please take the time to understand the frustration we deal with every time we go out into the wilderness.

Issue #1 – Hit delays are randomized every attack, making it impossible to anticipate the timing of your and your opponent’s attacks.

This stems from the original issue players complained about – player ID. Jagex’s “solution”, if anything, made the problem worse. Originally, when two players engaged in combat, one of the two players experienced a consistent one tick decrease in the time it takes between their attack animation and their hit splat appearing.

As a result, one of the two players had a consistent hit delay advantage – their hits just happened slightly faster.

Jagex’s solution was to randomly flip this advantage between the two players. i.e., sometimes player 1 had a one tick decrease, and sometimes player 2 had a one tick decrease.

This is unbelievably stupid, and forces players to create an error margin of one tick whenever they make a decision to eat, switch gear, switch weapons, go for the KO, etc. The correct solution, as was applied in 2008/2009, is to remove these hit delay advantages. Hit delays should process the exact same way they do in PvM – consistent hit delay with respect to weapon of choice.

Ex. 1 – http://i.imgur.com/sLLJGpw.gifv

Notice the time it take between lifting up the bow, and the hit splat appearing. It’s not consistent, and even causes hits to stack randomly.

Ex. 2 – http://i.imgur.com/kOCPCR1.gifv

Notice how sometimes the hit splat appears when the scimitar is raised, and sometimes appears when the scimitar actually connects.

Ex. 3 – http://i.imgur.com/NvigafV.gifv

The problem persists when two players are fighting with different weapons.

Issue #2 – Eating processes after damage calculation, but before death

This one affects PvM too, and it’s a bug.

Player 1’s max hit is 16.

Player 2’s current health is 3.

Player 2 eats a lobster in the same tick player 1 attacks. Player 1 hits a 3, and player 2 now has 12 health.

If player 1 attacks player 2 in the exact same tick player 2 eats, player 1’s max hit will be player 2’s current health, in this example, it’s 3. it should be possible for player 1 to KO player 2, by hitting a 15, but player 1’s max hit is bounded by player 2’s current health, this is bad.

The reason I bring up this issue is, if issue #1 is addressed, issue #2 will make it impossibly hard to kill somebody. The only reason issue #2 isn’t as bad as it could be is the randomized hit delays, i.e. you only have a 50% chance of actually abusing the bug.

Ex. 1 – http://i.imgur.com/oWQpuwC.gifv

This player is sitting at 2 HP, and eats a lobster at the same time they are hit with a 2h. They are hit for 2, leaving them with 12 hp. The other player can’t hit higher because of the way eating and damage calculation are processed, and therefore can’t kill player 1 in that instance.

TL;DR – Jagex’s solutions to PvP issues back when they were originally addressed were horrible, and it needs to be re-considered.

Apply the same fix which we saw back in 2008/2009, which normalized hit delays across PvP and removed the invincibility eating bug.


RS 07 Gold

Do you agree with this? If so, will you petition this to the authorized people to make changes or fix the said issues? Hopefully this will not be a deterrent to PvP players playing OSRS.