Rs gold and account preparation for Runescape 3 this Coming July 22.
No RS gold, rs items or rs account wipe!
As Runescape 3 will be finally going live, Runescape will also be “revealing” their centerpiece content for Runescape 3. According to their announcement, there’s no need to create new account/characters they we can just go ahead and use our EXISTING Runescape account. Seems like my rs gold and rs items will remain! No need to start over for rs 3 gold and rs 3 items!

image source: Runescape Official
Basically, RS 3 is the “upgraded” version of RS 2. There are several new features to wait for:
– HTML5 game client: The next generation of browser technology.
– New audio engine: High-fidelity audio and music.
– Seasonal high scores: Compete against Runescape community
– Dawn of the Sixth Age: The gods of RuneScape are returning.
– The Battle of Lumbridge: An epic-scale world event
– New Interface System: Designed for ease of use and massive depth of customization
– Upgraded camera: Overhauled and updated
– New community website: Customize your community
– Divination: a new skill
Access on RS 3 is still not clear whether this game will be open for both FREEPLAY and MEMBER or it’s just for PREMIUM members only.
This “continuation” sure is convenient… no need to start over… much better since no need work hard to get rs 3 gold to try this exciting new rs features!
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