[Guide] RS gold making by collecting Jangerberries

collecting jangerberries for rs gold

Making RS gold by simply collecting Jangerberries

Besides making RS gold with Farming skill by growing herbs, you can also make lots of RS gold by simply picking up and collecting herbs from bush patches in the game. Having a wolpertinger familiar is important if you want to have more berries and it increases the amount of XP.

The Jangerberries are a type of berry that is used in Herblore to make Zamorak brews. If a player eats it, their health points will recover by 200 health points and temporarily increases you attack level by two, strength by one and restore one prayer point but the defense will decrease by one level. This berry can also be used to make supercompost. Because of the uses of Jangerberries, it can be good source to increase your RS gold.

The Jangerberries can be found north of Gu’Tanoth. The most proficient way to collect jangerberries is to go to the Castle Wars lobby, withdrawing the rope in the bank and heading straight east of the island. Use the rope on the tree branch to jump over to the island. Once you’ve arrived, you can start collecting the Jangerberries in the four bush patches. When your inventory is full, teleport to the lobby of Castle Wars with the use of dueling ring, store the berries and repeat the process. Once you’re satisfied, you can start selling them in the Grand Exchange to make Rs gold.