A guide on making RS gold sells by killing the snails.

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Making RS gold by killing Snails
The snails can be found around the paths north west of Burgh de Rott. Each snail drops either thin snail or lean snail which is a good source for RS gold sell. The thin snail meat can heal the player around 50 to 70 health points in one bite while the lean snail can be cooked. The snails have 500 health points and it can be quite easy to kill them using two handed weapons and Momentum skill.
When your inventory is full of either thin snail or lean snail meat, use the drakan’s medallion from the Branches of Darkmeyer in order to teleport you back to Burgh de Rott. Store the snail meat and head back to the snail for another batch. Once your inventory and storage is full; start selling them at the Grand Exchange to make more RS gold.