Runescape Gold Basic Guide to The Grand Exchange

Early in the game players of Runescape will be introduced to The Grand Exchange. Located in the northwest of Varrock City, this is the main hub for players to exchange their items for Runescape gold. This guide will help you get used to using the system for fun and extra RS gold.

runescape gold grand exchange

Finding and buying Runescape items with Runescape gold

Many items in Runescape cannot be bought from NPCs. Most of these items are either drops or are crafted. This is where a playerauctions house service like The Grand Exchange comes in handy. To find an item, simply talk to one of the clerks in the area. In the dialogue box that follows click on the box with the green downward arrow. After this you can type in the name of the item you want. Finally, you can adjust the quantity, and confirm the offer. The game will then deduct the Runescape gold automatically and you can move the item to your inventory from the window.

Earning Runescape gold through The Grand Exchange

To sell an item, simply talk to a clerk like before. This time however, click the box with the orange upward arrow. This will open up a window where you can select items from your inventory to sell. The price in Runescape gold is automatically added, so all you have to do is confirm the offer. Note however that a free Runescape account only has two slots for selling or buying.