Runescape gold planning for your new rs account character should be plan well to avoid wasting your time and gold on something that shouldn’t be there.
Save time, save runescape gold
Cooking or fishing should be the first skills that you should be using first before starting off your combat or journey. These skills doesn’t cost much rs gold but it will give you a start to earn cheap rs gold. Aside from earning gold, you may be able to save gold in a way that you may craft your own food to restore your runescape account character’s health points.
Main or Pure skills for runescape gold
Depending on your character’s path weather he’ll be a crafter, merchant to get runescape gold for your main character or PVP class which basically will be your main character. Since Runescape doesn’t have skill lock depending on the class, Runescape has a wide selection of SKILLs.