The Spectacular Runefest is coming on October 3, 2015!


Runefest is not your ordinary game event. It’s an event that will shift the world of runescape players into reality. There will be a lot of people in cosplay, meet the administrators and moderators of runescape, your favorite background music will be played, meet your guild mates and more!

The runefest tickets will cost £99 each. People who have gone in runefest 2014 said it’s worth the money. Runescape account owners had fun during the event.


Recommendations for Runefest

First of all, wear comfortable clothes that aren’t very hot. You wouldn’t want to find yourself sweating a lot after a long series of walk. The event will be quite huge and expect that you’re going to move around a lot in the venue. Expect that there are a lot of people, and avoid bringing bulky luggage with you, you’ll have a hard time going in any convention with heavy stuff. The most important thing is before going to the runefest make sure that you’re comfortable wearing out your stress in life and enjoy the event/convention!

Try to manage to get there early, because a popular event such as this will have a large amount of people streaming in the venue’s entrance, going there would make you suffer instead of enjoying the event fully. If possible book yourself in a hotel a week before the event to familiarize yourself with the environment and definitely will avoid you from being late.


Cosplay Recommendations

If you’re considering to be going there in a cosplay, try not to bring something that will damage the venue such as: real axe, real sword, flammable chemicals, paints and other stuff that will bring unpleasant effect on the event.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an age limit? Yes, anyone under 16 years old shall be accompanied by adults.

Where can I buy a runefest ticket? The administrators still haven’t announced where to buy tickets. Runescape staffs will announce when are tickets will become available.

Will there be a runefest in-game item this year? Yes, the runescape staffs are probably going to surprise runescape accounts owners with the item. Like what happened in runescape 2014, they gave players a red dragon teleport.