Things to keep in mind in making runelab suggestion runescape gold catchy
Below are the tips that may help you get your suggestion be noticed and catch the interest of others to help you vote:
- TITLE. This one is very important as this is the first word that will be seen by the audience. If your title is not CATCHY enough then other people might not even wanted to read your suggestion.
- Simple is Good. Making your suggestion as simple as possible will be better. Details should be direct to the point and your idea should be sorted to make it easier to understand by the players and Jagex what your motivation is.
- Players Come First. The reason of the RuneLab existed is for us players of runescape. The event that you will be suggesting should be benefiting both players and Jagex. Sample of this can be, if you wanted a certain rare item to be available in the item again, or have an item giveaway on a certain time. In this way, it will benefit the players by getting the item of your choice or getting runescape gold, while it benefits Jagex by getting higher CCU on the scheduled time.
- Once you Click SUBMIT there’s no turning Back. When you click on SUBMIT button for your suggestion, you may want to double or better, triple check your work. Since if you have submitted it, you won’t be able to take back what you have uploaded.